Fakultas Teknik Program Studi Teknik Mesin menggelar Kuliah Umum dengan tema “Ketahanan Pangan dan Ancaman Kedaulatan Rakyat Dalam Prosfektif Geopolitik Indonesia” yang diadakan di Convention Hall Lt 3 Gedung Biro Rektor, pada Kamis (01/12/2022). Kuliah umum dibuka langsung oleh Rektor …
Segala jenis penipuan di internet bisa sangat berbahaya dan bahkan mematikan. Internet adalah tempat yang luas dan banyak orang tidak curiga dengan bahaya dan penipuan yang mungkin terjadi. Siapapun dapat memiliki akses ke informasi pribadi Anda, informasi keuangan Anda dan …
To prevent the laptops from slowing down due to poor network, there are certain tricks so that the internet network in the laptop is not slow. Most of the users think that these computers are old but actually, they do …
5G internet network is one of the next generation internet connections. It is considered as being better than the previous DSL or cable internet connections. It is considered as a high speed internet connection. This means that the amount of …
A clear understanding of search engine optimization or SEO is a fundemental step in remaining competitive in the digital market. In fact, no matter how much time effort and amazing content you apply to your businesses website, if your website …